Rachel Woodhouse

Mentor Tiffany Nagel Spinner, director of development at the Des Moines Art Center

Mentor Tiffany Nagel Spinner, director of development at the Des Moines Art Center


Rachel Woodhouse

Age: 34

Title: Program manager, global giving, Principal Foundation

Family:  Matt Woodhouse; Irene Woodhouse

What are your goals in your role at your company?

I am proud to be a part of a team that is working to advance the financial security of 50,000 youths worldwide by 2023. Whether it’s through making strategic grant investments or creating programs that address specific financial needs of young people, the work is ambitious, challenging and rewarding.    

What’s your biggest passion, and why?

Travel. The world is becoming a smaller place and cultural competency is increasingly important for social and professional reasons. I love to visit new places, to learn about cultural differences and similarities. To see the world from a different perspective. And to model responsible global citizenship for my daughter.