Jenna Kimberley

Mentor Sally Beisser, Ph.D., Levitt Distinguished Professor of Education, Drake University

Mentor Sally Beisser, Ph.D., Levitt Distinguished Professor of Education, Drake University


Jenna Kimberley

Age: 33

Title: Vice president, Kimberley Development Corp.

Family: Cole McClelland; Mickey Mantle, a 100-pound, 9-year-old golden retriever

What are your goals in your role at your company?

I’ve worked on growing the company sustainably to utilize our strengths to expand and diversify into different markets. My goal is to increase revenue to beat our previous record set in 2017, surpass our charitable giving and volunteering record, develop better communities, and implement the Entrepreneurial Operating System.

What’s your biggest passion, and why?

I’m passionate about building community. What I love about the construction industry is seeing something through from inception of an idea to completion of a project and contributing to the growth of a community. My greatest passion though is all things dogs – especially my golden retriever, who is chief morale officer at Kimberley Development.