Addie Rasmusson

Mentor Gretchen Hageman, director of Government Programs, Delta Dental of Iowa

Mentor Gretchen Hageman, director of Government Programs, Delta Dental of Iowa


Addie Rasmusson

Age: 33

Title: Government programs outreach and care coordination specialist, Delta Dental of Iowa

Family:  Mike Trueblood

What are your goals in your role at your company?

As I organize the outreach and education efforts for the Dental Wellness Plan and the Hawki dental program, it’s my goal to educate members about their dental benefits, develop communication plans and materials, and assist members with access to services. It’s vital that individuals understand the importance of oral and overall health.

What’s your biggest passion, and why?

Public health and our youth. These two areas have been the focus of my professional career, and I’m so lucky that they have developed into a passion. Public health is challenging, with something new to tackle every day. And our young people have so much opportunity at their fingers, they need support from all of us.